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2020年06月30日 15:27:59  來源:香港法治报



联合国秘书长古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)呼吁以色列放弃吞并约旦河西岸部分地区的计划,称此举将是“违反国际法最严重的行为”。








Zamir Awan,泽米尔阿万,笔名:巴铁泽米尔。现任巴基斯坦国立科技大学中国研究中心副主任。巴基斯坦驻中国大使馆原科技参赞。泽米尔生于196231日,80年代在中国留过学。在上海大学获得学士与硕士学位,机械专业。




While the whole world is facing the severechallenge of Pandemic and over-busy in defeating COVID-19, Israel finds anopportunity for its expansion designs.

The latest round of Israels ongoingoccupation and policy of land-grabs this action could become even moredisjointed. On 1 July, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected toannounce Israels annexation of the Jordan Valley and the northern Dead Sea. Annexationis a term used when a state unilaterally incorporates another territory withinits bordersannexing the West Bank, Jordan Valley, Golan Heights, and someother parts of neighboring countries. Would mean that Israel would officiallyconsider it part of the state of Israel.

International law is very clear: annexationand territorial conquest are forbidden by the Charter of the United Nations, said Michael Lynk, the UN independentexpert on human rights in the Palestinian territories.

United Nations chief Antonio Guterres hascalled on Israel to abandon plans to annex parts of the occupied West Bank,saying such a move would be the most serious violation of international law.

More than a thousand parliamentarians fromacross Europe have signed a joint letter protesting Israels planned annexationof parts of the occupied West Bank. The letter sent to all European foreignministries argued that such a move would be fatal to hopes for a peacefulresolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The Arab world is vehemently protesting theplanned annexation. However, non of Aran country is in a position to fightagainst Israel. Which is well perceived by Israel and Israel ignores theiropposition.

By default, the US was supporting Israel sinceits birth in 1948. But Trump Administration was favoring Israel out of the way.Trump Administration supported Israels decision to shift its capital from TelAviv to Jerusalem. Scraping Iran nuclear deal was based merely on Israeli PrimeMinister Benjamin Netanyahus presentation to President Trump.

President Trump is a candidate forpresidential elections to be held in November 2020, and Jews have a significantimpact on US-Elections. Even, they are very few by percentage in the vote bank,but their funding plays a vital role or decisive role in elections. AlthoughPresident Trump seems reluctant to support Israeli annexation at this moment,as unpopular decisions have harmed his reputation internationally in the pastand also may damage his popularity domestically, but he also understands wellthe Jews role in his re-election.

Russia and China have big stakes in theMiddle-East and can not accept American Hegemony through the sate of Israel.Russian presence in Syria and Chinas penetration in the economy of theMiddle-East are vital factors. China and Russia both maintain good relationswith Palestine and all other countries in the neighborhood of Israel. Iran maybe the common friend of China and Russian in the anti-Israel alliance.

Accepting Israeli annexation means therecognition of Israel and the US hegemony. On the other hand, the whole world,including the UN are demanding Israel not to annex. EU is also against the annexationbut lacks the Military power to force Israel from expansionist motives. MuslimWorld is too naïve and can not resist Israel militarily. Whereas Russia andChina are military powers, and both are the permanent member of the UNSC, withveto power. They are combined with Diplomatic and Political power, along withMilitary power, it is only Russia-China, who can play a balancing role in themiddle-east.

Russia-China may promote the resolutions ofall differences and disputes amicably through diplomatic channels andnegotiations and force both sides to resolve all issues according to the UNCharter. Russia-China is in a position to play a vital and decisive role inbringing a comprehensive and long-lasting peace in the middle-east.Russia-China may contribute toward global peace and stability and for globalharmony and prosperity.

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