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2020年07月25日 10:16:39  來源:香港法治报













Zamir Awan,泽米尔阿万,笔名:巴铁泽米尔。现任巴基斯坦国立科技大学中国研究中心副主任。巴基斯坦驻中国大使馆原科技参赞。泽米尔生于196231日,80年代在中国留过学。在上海大学获得学士与硕士学位,机械专业。




Editor's notes: the author is Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan,Sinologist (ex-Diplomat), Editor, Analyst, Non-Resident Fellow of CCG (Centerfor China and Globalization), National University of Sciences and Technology(NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan. (E-mail: awanzamir@yahoo.com)

The US orders abrupt closure of Chinese consulate in Houston, CNN reported: TheUnited States government has abruptly ordered China to "cease alloperations and events" at its consulate in Houston, according to theChinese Foreign Ministry, in what is called an "unprecedentedescalation" in recent actions taken by Washington.

It seems the decision was taken in panic, even no reason or justification wasgiven for this serious decision. Later on, probably, the US was engaged infabricating some justification. The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo addressedthe United States' closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston, Texas, sayingthe US would "take actions that protect the American people, protect oursecurity, our national security."

China's foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said it was "outrageous andunjustified". He also informed that “in terms of the number of Chinese andAmerican embassies and consulates in each other's countries and the number ofdiplomatic and consular staff, the US has far more people working inChina,"

It is worth mentioning that the Sino-US relations were never very smooth, ups anddowns were witnessed several times. But the closure of Consulate was a veryserious matter and happened for the first time since the establishment ofdiplomatic relations between the two countries in the 1970s.

There are incidents of closures of Embassies or consulates in history among manycountries and nations, but when the tension reached extreme only. After thedirect armed confrontation, closure of diplomatic missions is considered themost serious event. Usually, an aggressor country, closes the diplomaticmission of an enemy country, before the military attack. Or one can see theMilitary confrontation after the severing or lowering of diplomatic ties. Ineither case, the closure of the Chinese Consulate in Houston is a serious anddangerous matter.

Chinese Embassy in the US issued a statement: “China strongly condemns and firmlyopposes such an outrageous and unjustified move which sabotages China-U.S.relations," the embassy said, noting that China is committed to theprinciple of non-interference in other countries' domestic affairs."Because of the willful and reckless stigmatization and fanning up ofhatred by the U.S. side, the Chinese Embassy in the U.S. has received threatsto the safety and security of Chinese diplomatic missions and personnel morethan once," it said.

Generally speaking, such actions are reciprocated in the diplomatic world, which means,China may close some of the American Consulate in China. But, China is aresponsible sate and century-old wisdom of Chinese people, give sufficient timeto Americans to re-think their actions and revoke if possible. China believesin collective wisdom, and after giving sufficient time, may reciprocate withconsultation among its core team. Abrupt decisions like the Americans did is asymbol of one man's dictatorship behavior.

That is what happened in Washington, first, one man takes abrupt decisions and thenask his team to fabricate a story to justify his personal wrong decisions. Thishappened in case of closure of the Chinese Consulate in Houston. First, theyclosed the consulate abruptly, without giving any justification, and then, histeam has fabricated a story, stealing the intellectual property of not the onlyUS but also of Europe, which causes loss of job and revenue for them.

Some people are linking it with the Presidential campaign, but it will be irrationalthat for domestic issues, international relations be disturbed. It might work,as, it worked in case of India, where the votes are based on Hate-Pakistan. Themore one can hate-Pakistan, the more votes he or she can attract. The same isthe practice in Israel, Hate-Arab is a card to attract voters. However,President Donald Trump is a close friend of Netanyahu and Modi. He might beinfluenced by his close friends Netanyahu and Modi. However, this is not a goodpractice and should be condemned as much as possible.

Domesticissues should be addressed domestically, there is no need to internationalizedomestic issues and harm any other country.

It is hoped, that The US might take a review of his decision and revert back tothe original position, without escalation. We wish resolution of all issuesamicably and avert any confrontation in any part of the world, among allcountries, nations, communities.


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